St. Pio Parish
The Catholic Communities of St. John and St. Mark
Old Saybrook & Westbrook, CT
Music Ministry
"Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done wondrous deeds.” (Psalm 98:1)
The Music Ministry needs all types and levels of talent and we encourage everyone to consider active involvement. Your ability to sing and make a joyful noise is all the prerequisite needed! New members are always welcome – let your light shine through music!! The Music Ministry has:
Leader of Song (Cantor), guiding the congregation at weekend and special liturgies.
Traditional Choir at weekend and special Masses.
Rehearsal Times: variable.
Contact for more information:
For St. Mark: John Lampe | (860) 876-0059
For St. John Choir: Sarah V. Becker | (860) 388-5026
For St. John Youth Choir: Stephanie Bugden | (860) 304-3420