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Saint Pio Faith Formation

Picture Matthew 19 13.JPG

CLASS CANCELLATIONS: Class cancellations due to weather will be announced on WFSB Channel 3 and via parent email.

“Jesus called the children to himself and said, ‘Let the children come to me and do not prevent them for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”’ (Luke 18:16)


Welcome to all who seek knowledge of the Catholic faith!


Saint Pio Faith Formation Program follows an approved spiral curriculum to introduce children to the person of Jesus Christ and invite them and their families to embrace a lifelong relationship with Him through the Sacraments and the Catholic Church.


Classes for grades K–8 meet on Saturday mornings from 8:45–10:00am in St. John School. Grade 9-10 Confirmation students meet Sunday evenings from 5:30 –6:45pm at St. Mark Church.


Sacramental preparation is a two-year program. Grades 1 and 2 prepare children for Penance and First Communion. Confirmation preparation is provided over Grades 8 and 9 and is completed with the Sacrament of Confirmation in the fall of Grade 10 for students eligible to receive the sacrament.


If you're interested in knowing what your children are learning on Saturday mornings, please take a moment to explore the Loyola Press website here:


You will find chapter summaries and some very good resources for students and parents alike. We hope you find it helpful! In addition to presenting a curriculum which reviews the Catechism of the Catholic Church, we hope to engage and inspire our youth and families to choose to embrace Catholicism through a deeper understanding and authentic living of their Catholic Faith. As students grow and mature, there are increasing opportunities for prayer, service, and the ability to address questions related to the Faith, including common misconceptions and challenges from the perspective of science.


There are many opportunities for active parish members to volunteer to be part of our effort to pass on our Faith. Join us! Please contact Mrs. Lisa Collison for more information.


Mrs. Lisa Collison
Director of Religious Education

860-388-3787 X4


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161 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

Tel: (860) 388-3787


222 McVeagh Road, Westbrook, CT 06498

Tel: (860) 399-9207

Parishes of The Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, CT 


Serving the Communities of Greater Old Saybrook, Westbrook, and

Our Sister Parish, Notre Dame de Lourdes, Port Au Prince, Haiti



 © 2023 St. John & St. Mark Catholic Churches. All Rights Reserved.

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