St. Pio Parish
The Catholic Communities of St. John and St. Mark
Old Saybrook & Westbrook, CT
Prayer Shawl Ministry
"You created every part of me, knitting me in my mother's womb. For such handiwork, I praise you."
(Psalm 139:13 - 14)
Men, Women & Teens -- would you like to join our group but don't know how to knit? We will be giving lessons to all willing learners at all of our Saturday meetings. You can drop by at any meeting and learn the simple pattern for these shawls. Attend our meeting or knit at home and bring in the finished shawls. Fit it into your schedule. We meet at 10 am in the Fr. Filip room every other Saturday (see schedule at the bottom of page). We have yarn for you to practice with. If you can bring a size 10 or 11 needle, that will get you started. Stop by -- we'd love to see you!
What are prayer shawls?
The purpose of a prayer shawl is to give someone a tangible example of God’s love and care. The shawl is made of soft yarn so the recipient can wrap up in it and feel God’s arms around him or her. A prayer shawl is made with prayer. The maker of the shawl prays before, during, and after they work on the shawl. Sometimes we know who we are making the shawl for, and sometimes we don’t, but we pray for the person who receives it just the same.
Who do we minister to?
Those in need of strength while undergoing medical procedures; those in need of comfort after a loss; those in need of peace and patience during an illness and recovery; those in celebration of graduation, a marriage or a birth of a child…there are endless possibilities!
How do I request a shawl?
The best way to request a shawl is to click on the Prayer Shawl Request below and fill out the form. We will be in touch with you as soon as possible once the request is received.
How do I take part in this great ministry?
The wonderful thing about our prayer shawl ministry is that anyone can join! If the idea of making an item for someone that carries such meaning appeals to you, please consider becoming a part of our ministry. We meet regularly to share tips, to teach and help the new knitters and crocheters, and to enjoy fellowship. If you are unable to attend meetings, but would still like to take part, you can make your shawls in the comfort of your home and bring them to the group for dedication. Also, if you are experienced in quilting, weaving or another fiber art, we would love to have you join this ministry as well and make shawls using your skills!
What if I’m not crafty but want to take part?
If you don’t feel called to take part in this ministry by actually making the Prayer Shawls, there are many other ways that you can get involved.
Monetary donations are always accepted. The supplies for each can cost upwards of $25, so your donations greatly help us purchase yarn and supplies to continue making shawls. Checks can be made out to St. Mark Church with “Prayer Shawl” in the memo line of the check. Please send checks to: St. Mark Church, 222 McVeagh Rd, Westbrook, CT 06498 or you can just drop an envelope in the weekly collection basket marked Prayer Shawl and it will get to us.
If there is a wedding/funeral or any unforeseen event on any given Saturday morning our
location will be moved. We will try for the church hall as our second meeting place.
Prayer Shawl Meeting Schedule 2024
Saturdays, 10 – 11 am – Fr. Filip Room
13, 27
10, 24
9, 23
6, 20
4, 18
Summer Off
Summer Off
Summer Off
7, 21
5, 19
2, 16 (No 30th due to Thanksgiving)
7, 21
Contact for more information:
For more information on this Ministry, please contact Margaret Bannon via the Prayer Shawl Request here.